Pride Flags
Pride flags don’t only represent us. They also symbolize progress and equality, which we continue to fight for.
In recent years, the vibrant and diverse spectrum of Pride flags has become a ubiquitous symbol of LGBTQ+ identity and a powerful representation of unity, visibility, and acceptance. Each flag holds its own unique story, colors, and symbolism, encapsulating the lived experiences and struggles of various communities within the LGBTQ+ movement. Join us on a colorful journey as we explore the significance behind some of the most widely recognized Pride flags.
Rainbow Flag
The Rainbow Flag, created by artist Gilbert Baker in 1978, is the iconic symbol of the LGBTQ+ movement. Consisting of six colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple), the flag represents diversity, inclusivity, and the various aspects of the queer community. Each color holds significance: red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, blue for serenity, and purple for spirit.
Progress Flag
The Progress Pride Flag adds five arrow-shaped lines to the six-colored Rainbow Flag, which is widely recognized as the symbol of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. The flag includes black and brown stripes to represent marginalized LGBT communities of color, and the colors pink, light blue, and white are used on the Transgender Pride Flag. If you stand for equality, this flag is a way for you to show it! The “Progress” Pride Flag by Daniel Quasar.
Transgender Pride Flag
Designed by Monica Helms in 1999, the Transgender Pride Flag consists of five horizontal stripes. The light blue stripe represents traditional baby blue, symbolizing baby boys, while the light pink stripe represents traditional baby pink, symbolizing baby girls. The white stripe represents those who are transitioning or who consider themselves intersex, neutral, or undefined. It represents trans excellence!
Bisexual Pride Flag
Created by Michael Page in 1998, the Bisexual Pride Flag features three horizontal stripes. The pink stripe symbolizes same-sex attraction, the blue stripe represents opposite-sex attraction, and the purple stripe signifies the blending of those attractions into bisexuality. The flag serves to promote visibility and inclusivity for the bisexual community.
Pansexual Pride Flag
The Pansexual Pride Flag, designed by Jasper Varde in 2010, incorporates three horizontal stripes. The pink stripe represents attraction to women, the blue stripe represents attraction to men, and the yellow stripe represents attraction to people of all genders. The flag celebrates and affirms the fluid nature of pansexual identity.
Asexual Pride Flag
The Asexual Pride Flag, created by AVEN (Asexual Visibility and Education Network) in 2010, consists of four horizontal stripes. The black stripe represents asexuality, the gray stripe represents the gray-area between sexual and asexual, the white stripe represents sexuality, and the purple stripe symbolizes community and solidarity.
Non-Binary Pride Flag
Designed by Kye Rowan in 2014, the Non-Binary Pride Flag features a yellow stripe, representing genders outside the traditional binary, flanked by white stripes symbolizing agender, gender-neutral, or undefined identities. The purple stripe represents those who identify as a mix of genders or as having fluctuating genders.
Standing for Our Community
Did you know? You can get your FREE pride flags today and become part of this growing movement!
The rich tapestry of Pride flags represents the immense diversity and beauty within the LGBTQ+ community. These flags serve as powerful symbols of self-acceptance, pride, and solidarity, offering visibility to often marginalized identities and empowering individuals to embrace their true selves. By recognizing and understanding the significance of each flag, we can foster a more inclusive and compassionate society that respects and celebrates the multiplicity of human experiences. Let us continue to fly these flags high, supporting and uplifting every voice within the rainbow community.